For schools

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Educational programs

 Lesson Duration: 1.5 Hour

Available remotely 

In the course of the lesson, students will learn about the concepts of tolerance, stereotypes, inclusion / exclusion, cultural diversity, prejudice, the multicultural situation in Latvia before World War II and now, reflect on examples of stereotypes and prejudice and how to express their views in a free discussion and create a critical approach to stereotypes and prejudice. The lesson will encourage students to fight against discrimination and intolerance, support cultural diversity and inclusive society.

Group size: 8 to 30 students

Lesson Duration: 1.5 Hour

Location: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, Skolas street 6, Riga

This interactive walk around Riga’s Art Nouveau Quarter students will learn about Riga’s cultural and historical heritage and the Jewish history in Riga by using smartphones. They will furthermore learn about the role of outstanding personalities in the development of the city and its society.

Group size: 12 to 30 students

The walk is elaborated and organized with the support of State Culture Capital Foundation and Latvia’s Centenary Programme “Latvijas skolas soma”, as well as Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund.


Lesson Duration: 40-60 Minutes

Location: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, Skolas street 6, Riga

During the workshop, students will create their own family tree and will try to answer the question – “what’s making people different or similar?” The main goal is to have a discussion about diversity and similarity, about friendship and mutual respect.

Group size: 12 to 30 students

The lessons are elaborated and organised with the support of Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund.

Lesson Duration: 1-1.5 Hour

Location: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, Skolas street 6, Riga

The purpose of the lesson is to stimulate the reflection about the necessity to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and other tragedies.
During the lesson, students will reflect their own perception. As a result, students will get an important impulse to take part in the commemoration events and form their opinion about remembrance.

Group size: 12 to 30 students

The lessons are elaborated and organised with the support of Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund.

Lesson Duration: 1.5 Hour

Location: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, Skolas street 6, Riga

During the workshop students will learn about cultural and religious diversity, focusing on the basics about Jewish traditions and holidays.
After a short tour around the museum, the students will take part in a performance of Kabbalat Shabbat. Then, working in groups, they will learn about different Jewish holidays. At the end, they will present self-made greeting cards they made for each holiday.
Group size: 12 to 30 students

The lessons are elaborated and organised with the support of Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund.

Lesson Duration: 1.5 Hour

Location: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, Skolas street 6, Riga

“Many nationalities – one Latvia. Let’s reward those, who are worth it!”, is the slogan of this lesson dedicated to the role and contribution of Latvian Jews to the development of the Latvian Republic in the 1920s-30s.

The aim of the lesson is to build a picture of the Latvian cultural diversity and the role of national minorities through the assessment of the Jewish contribution to Latvian cultural and historical heritage.

During the lesson pupils will get acquainted with prominent personalities – Jews, who have worked in pre-war Latvia in various fields, gaining recognition both among their colleagues and the wider society.

Group size: 12 to 30 students

The lessons are elaborated and organised with the support of Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund.

Lesson Duration: 1 Hour

Location: Museum “Jews in Latvia”, Skolas street 6, Riga

The purpose of the lesson is to introduce students to the history of Latvian Jews, assessing the Jewish heritage in Latvia and the extent of the Holocaust tragedy.
During the lesson, students will get acquainted with various exhibits of the museum. While working in groups, they will have an opportunity to explore these exhibits themselves and present their work to others.
During the lesson, students will gain an understanding of Jewish history in Latvia starting from the 16th century until the end of the World War II. 

Group size: 12 to 30 students

The lessons are elaborated and organised with the support of Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund.