Roots in Latvia
The amount of genealogical information held by the museum is relatively small. However, large quantities of material relating to the Latvian Jewish genealogy are available at the following web sites:
- Database of Jews who lived in Latvia before the Second World War (1935-1939). A project of the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Latvia.
- Digitalized documents of the Latvian State Historical Archives, including vital records of Rabbinates, revision lists of Livland and Courland, materials of the Russian Empire Census (1897) in provinces of Courland, Livland and Vitebsk.
-, JewishGen Special Interest Groups of Courland and Latvia.
Materials about the Jews living in Latvia before 1944 are available at the Latvian State Historical Archives. Materials about the time period after 1944 are available at the Latvian State Archives ([email protected]), as well as at the Registry Office Archives of the Ministry of Justice ([email protected]) – birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates from 1915 to the present day.