The exposition begins with a section dedicated to the early period of Jewish history in Latvia: from the first settlement in the 16th century through the 19th century. The first Jewish communities were established in Piltene, Aizpute, Riga and elsewhere. Jews actively took part in economic activity, serving as middlemen between peasants and townsmen when trading various goods. By the 19th century, most towns in Kurzeme and Latgale had significant Jewish communities, some towns even had a Jewish majority. Jews were employed not only in trade, but also craftsmanship and in free professions.
At the turn of the 19th century, the Latvian Jewish community was greatly affected by the Jewish Enlightenment, or Haskalah. Riga and the cities in Kurzeme became major centers of Jewish modernization. Social changes were catalyzed by the increasing appearance of new Jewish schools where secular subjects were taught alongside religious ones.
At the end of the 19th century, two new ideological trends appeared in Jewish society: socialism and Zionism (the movement for Jewish settlement in Palestine and the creation of the Jewish State). The rivalry between these two trends defined Jewish intellectual life right up tothe middle of the 20th century. Riga and Daugavpils were major centers of these two movements.
The religious life of Jews in Latvia was affected by religious ideas coming from Germany, Lithuania and Belarus. In the 19th century, Latvian Jewish religious life experienced an upswing and many important religious authorities worked in Latvia. While being well integrated in the local society, Jews in Latvia strictly observed the Jewish traditions and lived fulfilled religious lives.
Jews had major representation in all sectors of the economy. During the 19th century, Jewish society experienced swift social division, establishing the wealthy merchant and industrialist class, as well as large numbers of poor citizens who profited from small shops, door-to-door selling and odd jobs.
The modernization of the Jewish society at the end of the 19th century is signified by the appearance of the new Jewish intellectual elite. It was formed by people educated in universities in Europe and Russia, who actively worked to improve Jewish political, social and cultural life. The Riga Polytechnic with its liberal and tolerant environment attracted Jewish youth from all across the Russian Empire. Active connections were also established between the new Latvian and Jewish generations of intellectuals.
Overall, these connections set the stage for close cooperation between Jewish and Latvian socialists and liberals during the events of the 1905 revolution, when joint organizations were established. These connections were not disrupted after the failure of the revolution.
The First World War brought much pain and misery to the Jews in Latvia. Tens of thousands became refugees or were sent to the army. The Russian military command ordered the expulsion of the Jews of Kurzeme and Zemgale to Russia in 1915. The work of Jewish cultural societies was limited by state authorities. Overall, these events defined Jews’ positions in politics in Latvia during the events that followed.